It's that time of year again. The time when apples are popping up wherever you look. I have been innundated in apples for the past few weeks. Luckily, I have had some variety though; Lester brought me 3kg of teeny, tart little green apples. Just as I was almost done with those, I came out to my parents' house in BC to house sit. They have not one, but TWO apple trees. Luckily for my sanity, one has a grand total of 7 apples on it. The other one is a different story.
Spindly, yes. But fruitful. Dad planted these just after we moved to this house 10 years ago. He also planted some plum trees that have produced nary a plum.
But back to the first of many apple recipes I have saved up for you readers.
I have been trawling the internet for any and all apple recipes I can find. You see so many recipes that look promising, but then I read the ingredients, and there's that disheartening line that says 'peel and core one apple'. I don't have one apple. I have bushels. I don't want to make 12 muffins and only use one apple.
I have a bit of a confession: I don't like eating raw apples. And I despise apple juice. If I do eat raw apples, I like them cut up. I got out of the habit of raw apples when I had braces, and never got back in.
This recipe used 3 apples, which was slightly better. Right now I'm hampered by the fact that I'm alone in this city; any friends I once had here have moved away. So I want to use lots of apples, but not eat myself into being an apple blimp.
Eve's Pudding is a British recipe, so forget your colonial thoughts of pudding being a mysterious, wobbly, semi-solid. Pudding just means dessert, so forget the Jello (can I put apples in Jello?). It is basically just apples, topped with a traditional Victoria sponge cake. The sponge creates a lid for the baking vessel, which means the apples get steamed so they are nice and tender.
Whenever recipes say to peel the apples, I ignore that. I think a lot of the flavour is in the peel, not to mention fibre and nutrients. I grew up with apple trees in the garden my whole life, and have never felt the need to peel them before eating. Scared of bug footprints? Rise 'em, but you don't need to wrestle off that scary outer layer that has (gasp) touched the outside world.
This recipe was nice, easy, and has a good ratio of apples to other stuff. Right now I want more apples than other stuff, for the aforementioned reason of not wanting to become as round as an apple. The original recipe (found here, at Curiously Ravenous) mentioned milk in the directions, but not in the ingredients. I looked around at other Victoria Sponge recipes, and none of them called for milk, so I left it out.
Eve's Pudding
for the Victoria Sponge Cake:
1 1/4 cup flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
6 Tbsp sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 apples, peeled and cored
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
pinch salt
1. Slice apples into thin 1/8" slices. Gently toss with 1/4 cup sugar, lemon juice, and cinnamon. Set aside.
2. Preheat oven to 350F. Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, cream together butter and sugar with a mixer until it becomes smooth and pale. Alternately add in the eggs and flour mixture. Do not over beat.
3. Spoon apples into 6 to 8 single-serving ramekins or one 48oz souffle pan, about 3/4 of the way full. Pour any remaining juices over the apples. (I just mixed my apples etc. in the 1.5L Corningware dish I wanted to cook the pudding in. Saves cleaning one bowl!)
4. Spoon batter over the apples and level out the batter to form a flat seal to cover the fruit (a flat spatula might make this easier, but I used a wooden spoon). Sprinkle the top with sugar.
5. Bake for 45 minutes.
After 45 minutes, my sponge was not entirely cooked in the middle, so make sure to check before you turn the oven off.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
Not gonna lie, looks pretty tasty! And you don't like apples? Yet you recieved 5 kilograms of apples from me? Insane! Ya might've mentioned that fact somewhat earlier...
I like apples in stuff, and cut up. I just hate apple juice, and biting in to a whole one.
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